
Win Streaks from on November 30th, 2024 • 3 comments
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 570
11 UR Craft Required 3 UR SD/Bundle/PVE
40 cards

Notes & Combos


Uh....was not supposed to happen we are ^^ Got a 5 win-streak for some reason (aka too much HT), but the deck aint that good (38%WR)

What is this deck ?

Welcome to "random interruption turbo", as our plan is to use as much HT as possible, then use our 1 card combo to set up some negates, and repeat until they die. Aleister give us a kinda good grind, so dont worry too much about that part.

How does it work ? and what the endboard look like ?

It is very dependant of your starting hand, and what you want to make. Here are some scenario :

  • No starter : just go "HT go brrr" until you draw one
  • Aleister only : Standard invoked combo, NS into Artemis to set our GY, then Artemis and Aleister for Mechaba (and a lot of HT of course)
  • Ice only : Windwitch full combo, that can end on baronne or crystal wing (we will discuss about that later)
  • Glass only : worst case scenario, can only end on Clear wing (the lvl 7). Not optimal but same as if Glass got imperm when summoned by Ice (cf previous option)
  • Aleister and Ice : the most gas we can have in hand. Do the Windwitch part first (to prevent nib or ash on aleister), then NS alister, grab teh spell, and SS Raidjin in def position, using Snow or Freeze (or glass if you end on the lvl 7).

How to choose between Crystal Wing and Baronne ?

Main reasoning moment of the deck. You have two option :

  • Indestructible by card effect Crystal Wing, with a monster + gain atk negate and a battle effect
  • Indestructible by battle Baronne, with a omni-negate

How to chose ? I'd say it depend on your preference, however, when my opp make me go first and got a **** ton of HT (aka TENPAI), i do prefer going for Crystal because A) cannot be destroyed by Raigeki alone B) good luck to kill it with your "big dragon" because when they crash into us, ohoh, i gain your atk and i kick your ****. A funny thing worth mentionning, Clear wing (the lvl 7) can negate the "double the Atk" effect of the field (dont know if its a bug or anything but..we can) so if you negtate Biden and later the field, they cannot pass over you. (Work on other scenario too but this one is very frequent)

Extra Deck

As you can see, we play some SPoly target (the usual garura with venom) but we have some invoked no one really play (aka Caliga and Purgatorio). So why ? Purgatorio is a no brainer when 90% of the meta is "SPAM FIRE TO WIN", and Caliga is for the 10% of Yubel player you can find.

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what year is this

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never too late for our boy to make the difference

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