Notes & Combos
- Tech cards optional
- retali resolve = win
- gave up hiita because usually no need
- just DrawTheOut, smh
- birch + subversion are just for search
- duster + knightmare phoenix for stun (exodia) that gets popular
- Desirae over D/D/D because you always run into striker/tenpai. the 2x special summon negate are great on paper, but never work.
- TTT, ghost belle, retali, mulcharmy, nib - optional. you can tribute / normal summon for fiendsmith combo into beatrice
- almost never made beatrice
- go 2nd, one for one is really bad, as you will face a board that eat your cards and you don't have cards to discard. go first, if you have monster to discard, it can be good
Diamond games are harder than master games. only lost 1 game in past 15 games (93% winrate). Draw the out.
6x replays. @ me I will send