
Synchro x Link Festival from on February 20th, 2024
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 840
42 cards

Notes & Combos

this deck is rather janky since fusion is not allowed in this event, blocking you to summon Rising Carp.However, depending on which card you have at hand, you can normally start with standard PUNK line without fusion up until Dragon Drive adds Psychic Tracker and Deer Note summon a level 3 PUNK from the GY (such as Sharakusai or Ze Amin). From this point on, you can continue to Ghoti line by using Tracker and Level 3 PUNK to summon Arionpos and banish a level 2 Ghoti tuner. From this point on, you can set a backrow (if you have any in your hand) and try to interrupt opponent play during their turn by special summoning the banished Ghoti tuner and then synchro into Askaan or Deep Beyond. If you have Sharakusai on field, you can also summon Amazing Dragon by using it and Dragon Drive on field.