
Platinum I from on April 22nd, 2022 • 4 comments
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 780
40 cards

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3 years ago

Overall, the strategy is to turbo out Perfection, while having enough "gas" to play through a medium amount of disruptions. There's a lot of redundancy in the engine with the expectation of getting ashed/etc and still succeeding.

Some surprisingly useful cards:

  • Honest -- useful when playing into a board with a lot of beaters, so you don't get beaten over. Searched by Benten and Valkyria.
  • Valkyria -- normal summon her instead of Diviner when you can, and she reloads the hand with more fairies. Searched by Benten.
  • Sprite's Blessing -- more ritual spells so you can play through negates
  • Extra-Foolish Burial -- searches almost anything you need to make the Herald, by sending the synchro
  • Effect Veiler/Halq/Selene -- goes into Access Code Talker to close out games when people don't autoscoop
  • Linkuriboh -- dumps Eva into the graveyard when it's summoned by Diviner's tribute effect. Usually you want to tribute Benten, but this is useful if you brick and have to tribute Diviner.

Cards which didn't end up as useful as expected, and you can leave them out if you want in your own build (I left them in because I'm posting my build as I played it):

  • Foolish Burial
  • Beatrice
  • Anima
  • Knightmare cards
  • Underworld Goddess

I climbed from plat 5 to plat 1 right in one day right after the synchro event with this deck, with about a 60-70% winrate. It obviously autoloses to things like kaiju or droplets, but wins often enough that you can easily climb late in the season. It's also very easy to play.

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3 years ago

Thank you for the detailed intro/guide to your deck list. Most of these deck lists are just posted as is and I have to do the research on my own.

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3 years ago

You're welcome, feel free to ask any questions. I skipped out on some deckbuilding details and information that you can already find in a Drytron Herald guide to avoid making my post too long, but I can elaborate if anything is unclear.

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3 years ago

usually everyone hates heralds, but pure herald is kinda based

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