Notes & Combos
- Yes, goes 1st. Better 2nd but the odds of drawing a starter are significantly higher in this list.
- Droll MVP
- Prob needs almiraj idk im not going down to 2 lib tho
- Lab is still unsufferable but a lot more bearable
- Actually competes in a ton of matchups that were otherwise hard losses. The ability to pivot between the engines helps break away boards better than playing actual board breakers ever could.
- Yellow instead of red because breaking backrow is infinitely more important than monsters. By the time you're able to use red he's useless.
- No Beatrice or Caesar. Not necessary. can just make lacrima into unicorn into accesscode by resummoning engraver. Then link off lacrima and accesscode MP2 to burn for death. HOWEVER if you are feeling sacky just add beatrice + Mayakashi trap and rollback and go 1st :)
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