Comments (4)
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omg Burning Draw? that's a sick card holy. But it does lock you out of activating Hornet Drones right. even card scanner is also sick, but isn't it only good in the grind game, which this deck is not good at? Overall really nice deck honestly. Well done!
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I think the burning draw lock might not matter if it resolves while targeting apo bcz going +3 is probably game. But if it gets ashed and THEN youre locked.. idk. Card scanner is sick tho
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Thanks , and yes when burning draw resolves on an apo u have an high win rate and don't care about drones . Getting ashed can be hard since its one of the little ways that it still block you out of drones however u know that ur there power spell are ash safe like 3tacticts ,kaimen , and so on .
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