Crystal Beast

Master V from on November 28th, 2023 • 5 comments
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 360
8 UR Craft Required 5 UR SD/Bundle/PVE
40 cards

Notes & Combos


The main Goal of this deck is having simple negates turn 1, rainbow dragon turn 2/3. And if you can, a nice end rainbowdragon overdrive.

cb: short for crystal beast rbg: rainbowdragon


rainbowbridge salvation -> crystal bond get saphir set cb rainbowdragon -> summon saph, get a c depending on your cards + use cb rainbowdragons effect for a lvl 4 cb -> tapir or other xyz -> try to get EXACTLY 7 cb on the field (spell count) and graveyard for rainbowdragon -> ultimate crystal overdragon (if no cb are in the spell) or rb overdragon.

use called to protect crystal bond and cb rbg banish effect/other cards from ash

uc rbg overdrive has 11000atk if 7+ diffrent cb are banished.


use Saphir to put cb rainbowdragon in spell zone, use its effect to get rainbowdragon on hand and a lvl 4 beast on the field for xyz summoning Bagooska in defence. (if you wanna board clear 2 cards, you can summon cobalt eagle with cb rainbowdragon for lightning chidori)

golden rule is super good with a cb ruby on hand/in grave to summon so your cb back onto the monster zone. it also cant be ashed, but still searched with the 2 rainbowbridges.

RB Bridge of salvation is the core card. its "back to the hand effect" can clear most extra-deck monsters easily. combine it with the counter card, you basicly get a double wammy. It allows you to keep searching cards while either discarding cb monster from hand, moving them to spellzzone (triggers "return to hand" effect) or getting them in the grave for rbg-overdrive (often game ending card). You can search for it with "Awakening of the Crystal Ultimates" if you have rainbowdragon (get it with cb rainbowdragon) on your hand. and Awakening can be search with "rainbowbridge"

Fenrir is Fenrir. summon it, search fenrir with it and banish oppent monsters. Good in every deck. 3 Maxx C and 3 Ash is a must. I like to maxx c in enemy drawphase, sometimes gets a free turn -> otk

extra deck cards: Tapir is go to dugrares if you're feeling risky. I:P into Underworld Goddess is also fun. zeus I still doent know how to time, but im sure you'll figure it out. knightmares are nice for removing dangerous cards. rest just use the cards you like, I just happend to choose those.

replaceable cards:

extra deck: decode tamer, apollousa and kitkallos with other cards you like.

main deck: monster-reborn was okayish and Iris summons after cb rbg (I really like the art+animation). you can replace with golden rules/staples

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a year ago

If you have any thought or questions about this deck/cb just ask me here^^

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a year ago

How would you summon tearlment

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a year ago

its a filler card, you can replace it with something else. I put it in after losing to a deck that put my extra deck in the grave, for its effect. never been useful tbh.

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a year ago

In the notes did you mean rainbow bridge of the heart instead of salvation?

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a year ago

oh yeah, you're right

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