White Forest Azamina

Master V from on March 21st, 2025
cp-ur 1260 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Going first turbo wf fs azamina deck

I wasn't running the kashtiras on the other seasons but they honestly do so much for the deck. Not as much Fenrir, but unicorn and pressured planet are goated. Unicorn atracts hand traps almost as much as the fiendsmith package, if you happen to open unicorn, engraver/tract are basically guarantees that you'll get to full combo, except maybe for droll.

No nib or droll in the deck for crossout because honestly you don't really care about nib if you play correctly and while droll is probably the deck's greatest weakness, it's hard to justify removing any card from this deck for it except maybe the second deception, for the very rare ocasions where you get drolled with crossout in hand.

Other than droll, this deck can be very weak going second, but the sheer amount of starters and annoying cards means you can power through some boards going second, just not against exactly snake eyes, where if you don't open a relevant handtrap you basically scoop and go next or wait and hope for the oponent to make a mistake on his combo.

List was almost fully copied from one of the top 10 lists on rated duels of february 2025, only difference is -1 solemn judgement +1 Rucia of the white forest. Sometimes when I drew judgement I just really wished I had one more extender through handtraps instead of maybe protection against a duster or a surprise counter to droplet.

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All replays are with the kashtira-less version, but if you draw kashtira start with it 95% of the time, that's all you need to know

(the other 5% is for when your hand might not play through droll if you trigger kastira unicorn on field or pressured planet)