White Forest Azamina

Master V from on March 20th, 2025
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 480
45 cards

Notes & Combos

I used to play casually but finally decided to climb the rank start from this season. Most of this deck are what you expect from White Forest Azamina Fiendsmith. I want to use as many engine as possible so beside Fiendsmith there are also Kashtira, Toy Box and Bystial (used as handtrap most of the time). Toy Box feel like a really good pick here because of free cost + extra body, also Toy Soldier can search Silvy for White Forest combo too. They can also be used to made Visas Amritata search the trap for 1 more omni negate to deal with DRNM or Droplet. Also, I didn't run Beatrice + Spright Elf into Astella combo because I'm too poor to craft Beatrice. I used to go full 60 card build too with Magician's Soul, more Toy Box card and more hts but that build is quite cranky so I cut down to this 45 cards version here.

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