
Master V from on March 15th, 2025
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

ogre for Deception of the Sinful Spoils, sangen summoning, and true light. bystial to stop hollowed azamina reset and maiden reborn (you can make beatrice with it), thrush into dbarrier if tenpai handtrap you. moon into goddes is an unexpected broard breaker and sometimes you can get back into FS combo from goddes. FS track is a good starter in this deck you can add more if you need more consistency (if you open track with any light fiend you can just track discard lurrie and trigger track from GY)

normal end board would be beatrice, rulkallos, Sequence, I:P. (sulleik, baronne depend on your mill). if you get barrone you can make S:P instead of I:P to reset baronne. you link sequence and beatrice away with I:P into S:P or apollo after beatrice trigger fusion on your enemy turn.

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