Notes & Combos
Back again with the degeneracy. I cut Packbit because I wasn't using it too much, and I added Apo instead.
Plan is simple: Circular gets you to Terahertz + Masquerena + Superfactorial. On opponent's turn you can use Tera to send dotscaper and use it to go into S:P for extra disruptions.
Or, if you had one extender, you can go into Apollousa, which is honestly busted. I only lost one game going first, which was to a Maxx C I couldn't negate.
I figure you can get to M1 with this, but I'll leave that for someone braver. I don't enjoy this meta. This deck is disgusting going first and it's not even one of the better ones.
For Main deck, I cut Armored Bitron and Gatchiri to add one extra Firewall Defenser and the third copy of Mining. Not sure if that was correct, but the deck felt a bit more consistent than last season.
I am very tented to cut Talents because it has never done anything for me. I think I'd rather have another Nibiru or instead a third veiler (the exodia matchup is kinda awkward for this deck).
Added only a couple of extra replays since last season, mainly to show Apo's nonsense in action.
This stuff is not ok. A card this strong and this generic shouldn't exist in a deck like this (or WF or SE) that already have strong end boards.
Ban Apollousa