
Master V from on March 20th, 2025
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Rogue decks in this format feel absolutely awful LOL

This was such a painful climb for me when I wasn't playing White Forest Azamina that I don't know how I won games honestly outside of resolving Fuwalos/Maxx C but I am so good at Lunalight so hehe :^)

Seriously though, not a good format for this deck. White Forest sets up a lot of interruption to play through and SEFS ends on a really good board very consistently though imo, this plays better into SEFS than it does vs WF Aza. Nothing new of note, the deck really could use a nice consistency boost by freeing Foolish Burial Goods but would need to ban a lot of stuff before that.

But we'll see, Konami isn't really nice about their banlist as one may already know. LUNALIGHT BEST DECK!!

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