
Master V from on March 20th, 2025 • 2 comments
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 690
60 cards

Notes & Combos

cHris's Meta Weekly win made me want to run 'Noids again. Snow is assuredly the better build, but for a more casual, non-tourney setting I still really like Destrudo's ability to put itself back into the deck. It makes single Reasoning-Gate stopper builds less maldy in my opinion.

Mostly I just stole some changes to the ED. Dropping Evil (+ Proxy F) was long overdue. Even without Evil I'm a bit hesitant to cut down past 4 mid-sized Noids because I really need to dump at least one 5-6★ to help ensure Destrudo revive is online for the extra material + placing itself back in deck, and Attondel is just too handy for lethal pushes for me to cut completely.

I've warmed up to Flood a lot. I mostly push for lethal with Equimax to conserve material since I'm running a low-ish Noid count and no Snow. Flood gives me an option to salvage lethal if Equimax gets negated in MP1 a-la Veiler, etc. while doubling as an actual endboard piece if I fail to OTK altogether compared to something like Accesscode. The Zealantis OTK is also nice and better at clearing still-extant boards, but I feel like I'm in a much worse position if Zealantis gets interrupted compared to Equimax so I usually opt for the latter when possible.

Flametongue was also always a bit too finicky, so I'm back to charmers for materials (hopefully).

Maindeck the main change was from Super Poly to Ultimate Slayer. The ED send overlap with Tierra makes me think I should have swapped a long time ago. I'm running Ty-PHON because I just enjoy losing with the ★Super★Star★Slayer★, but also I didn't want the card to be a blank versus Galaxy-Eyes. Maybe Aggregator is more correct since it's another option for Tierra too, but I just like Ty-PHON and its weird edge cases like recycling Lava Golem for next turn. (as if I'm getting another turn 🤣)

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The playstyle hasn't changed much from my Dec 14, 2024 submission

so refer to that one if you want replays from me specifically for some reason. I don't mind posting more, but out of laziness I'm probably not going to bother unless someone specifically asks. In which case, check the comments since I don't think I can edit these descriptions.

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2 days ago

how was dropping evil overdue

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2 days ago

I ran it in my December list and I just rarely ended up summoning it. For Proxy F I was usually hoping to bait interaction than actually summon Evil in a lot of cases: If I have two bodies for Proxy F and two 'Noids on field I probably already resolved a mill spell and was already doing okay on bodies. And there's a chance I don't even have enough names left in deck to go plus on overall link material economy since I'm going down a guy in the process of fusion summoning.

For Void Imagination I basically never opted for Evil over Tierra: I usually sequence Imagination before trying to resolve Reasoning-Gate, so Tierra is almost always live. And in the frequent case where Tierra gets negated even if Imagination goes through, dumping six bodies is a good chunk of value compared to Evil in the same spot. (With the caveat that Tierra is harder to get off the field due to levels)

The main thing I used Evil for was dumping off Tierra to search Reignition to gamble on drawing a better hand. Which I did quite like because gambling is fun😊 If I do drop the Zealantis package, adding Evil back in for that (+Ultimate Slayer) is a consideration. At that point it might be correct to squeeze some copies of Extra-Foolish Burial in too, but I'm not too keen on losing even harder to graveyard hate in the maindeck.