Infernoble Knight

Master V from on March 20th, 2025
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 840
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Wrote in the XI century, "La chanson de Roland" is a famous piece of the French litterature, telling the story of the fall of Roland, nefew of Charlemagne (or Charles the Great) and the ferocious revenge of the mourning monarch


The Infernoble Knights are a Fire Warrior archetype, centered around the previously mentionned "Chanson de Roland", making us follow his path to a very powerfull endboard. Today we will discuss tech cards, options, and personnal notes ; no combo, as it would take too long, but YOU CAN FIND THE GUIDE BELOW THE REPLAYS.

Tech cards

Time to speak about all the engines in the deck, and their roles. It's a 60 card pile, so we have some space if you want to swap them for smtg else.

  • Hornet drones and Hayate. Free combo at the end of your turn, can bait negates, and bring Hayate (free tribute for later) and a warrior token on field (half isolde).
  • Flame Swordsman package. Lvl 4 starter that can search the Continuous, allowing us to tribute a monster (from hand or field) to summon the Fusion, meaning we have 2 warriors on field (hello isolde). When the Lvl4 leave the field, it bring a free equip (the lvl 3) and the trap (that can trigger the QE pop with Charles). Overall a VERY good engine for this deck
  • Azamina/Diabellstar package. Free combo lines as seen in the guide, so what does that bring ? Free body for tribute (MuRcielago), an omni, free mats for a Apollousa play, access to Original Sinfull to get a warrior on field, etc. Like the Flame package, very solid, can unbrick hands, etc.

Witch lvl 4 engin to use for our "normal" summon play ?

As you can see, we run the Neo Spacian line, to bait HT and get a see of the Opp hand. Here are 2 other options you can try :

  • Sublimation + Mouse : good way to get to Isolde, but no hand check. Is Fire so its good for follow up, can trigger on Special summon (where neo spacian cant). Mouse is not a brick too, and can be discarded with augier.
  • Battling boxer line, with the XYZ : overall more stable for your plays, but dont check opp hand. Can trigger on Special Summon, can be discarded by augier, and can unbrick hand via the XYZ 4 (look on ytb for combos and replays).

HandTrap lineup

Goal is to play around charmies and maxx C, as we Special Summon a LOOOOOT. We dont play the charmies ourselves, and Maxx C is here for cross out. We are gigachad, we play like gigachad, no virgin draw power here. WE EAT ROCKS FOR DINNER AAAAAAH.

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ID : 919-594-216

Will add some, i got a 10 winstreak to master V so i gotta find the best ones. Feel free to watch some on YTB or in other Decklist replay section, overall goal is to Isolde turbo so the DL dont matter that much.