
Master V from on March 7th, 2025 • 9 comments
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 570
12 UR Craft Required 2 UR SD/Bundle/PVE
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Blind Second Bystial Control Earthbound

This was the easiest climb of my life, it took like 6 hours in the span of 2 days after tilting with a bunch of other decks which was very nice

Bystials are just awesome this format, they hit basically every relevant deck other than Millennium and Tenpai, which are this deck's roughest matchups, no other way around it

Why am I blinding 2nd? It's because Bystials are incredibly inconsistent as your ONLY secondary engine in Earthbound, so if you wanna run them, you're gonna need something like Azamina to be paired alongside them, this is because they only LIGHT/DARK monsters you can send to grave turn 1 are Sweeper, Lubellion and stuff off of One for One, and that's just not reliable enough

So blinding second just helps you unbrick and spam handtraps to make the gamestate far better to let your Earthbounds go through far easier than normal

Navy Dragon Mech should definitely be Vermillion Dragon Mech instead, the latter came up so often but I just didn't have enough dust for Vermillion

Everything else worth noting is in this video right here, with all of my decisions about techs and whatnot being gotten into detail, plus there are some replays which are always good

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Replays + Big Yap, there are timestamps if you wanna skip the tech talk

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6 days ago

saying you dont have enough points to craft an SR is strange lol. like dont even have 3 spare SRs that you'll never use?

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5 days ago

What is your comment a reply to? I'm confused

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5 days ago

They were commenting about what i wrote in the description

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5 days ago

I may or may not have noticed later that i had a spare phantazmay playset i wasn’t ever gonna use AFTER the climb…

But hey i got to play my royal navy dragon mech that has to be a good enough excuse right?

(Also yes, i barely have any SRs to spare because i wasted them all tryna craft a royal harmonic synchro fusion)

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5 days ago

oh ok I see the problem now.

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18 hours ago

Hey, little question. Is earthbound fusion bad? I got a playset of it but everywhere I look it seems like nobody is playing it...

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7 hours ago

Earthbound fusion's not worth playing except in deepdraw (danger) or mill (tearlaments) builds of earthbound mainly due to how inconsistent it is because it its trait of being unsearchable, even then, its combos when drawn are awkward to fit in in variants like blind 2nd bystial spam and azamina, the two undoubtedly best variants currently So unless you're planning to play danger (which doesn't even play it most of the time, and if it does, it's as a 1of) or tearbound (which are both below average btw), feel free to dismantle fusion

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6 hours ago

Oh, that's sad... Well, thank you for the info!

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5 hours ago
