Notes & Combos
I love this deck! If you can always go into the Anti Nib Photon Lord line, at best it stops nib at worst you end on a negate along with Sifr and Ultimate Spirit! Baronne and Dis Pater are rarely summoned but they're win more techs. There's a line where you can end on Baronne and Dis Pater along with a Spirit but you'll need Sea Horse and a Bystial in hand to get it done. 20 hand traps gives us a chance against turn 1 decks, Ogre was great againtst Azamina, Millenium Snake-Eyes and the mirror match. Droll just ends games depending on the deck. Ultimate Creature of Destruction has won me games off just using it on a BEWD in defense or a Spirit in defense, I'll live and die by that card! Went on a 12 game win streak to get to M5!