Notes & Combos
Been waiting to play with the new unions for so long and finally they're here. While not as powerful as the other two archetypes in the pack, they can still put up a powerful field.
Deck building has been hard. There are a lot of ways you can build this. with or without fiendsmith. With Cyber Dragon Infinity, with Therion Regulus, tellarknights, and there are even FTK-ish builds. The main limiting factor is the extra deck. Space is tight.
Extra deck notes: Never used bagooska. When I get fuwa'd maxxc'd, I usually just link to rabbit plus ABC if I can summon it. I've seen few list with Underworld Goddess. Personally I like it, because combined with Closed Moon, its very good at board breaking.
STATS: for detailed stats:
I'll be honest, this was a lucky run. I went 27-15 head-tails ratio. And my winrate going 2nd is 36%, so it would have taken me a lot more games if they cointosses went the other way around.