White Forest Azamina

Master V from on February 14th, 2025
cp-ur 1200 + cp-sr 360
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Great deck, really.

I think my list is trash, i still didn't figure out the ratios perfectly but i'll look forward to it if i can find some time to climb to master 1.

The ED is suuuuper thight, i think elf has to go because i'd love to have high link rating monster (such as goddess or accesscode) so i can have better wincons. I've being enjoying running baronne even though i think she may not be the best option. I decided to not play desirae because summoning him costs you a lot for your grind game because you need to shuffle specifically an engraver, which is better having alive in the grave for follow-up. But desirae can be played and he's pretty decent but we still need necroquip and lacrima from the main deck to make him consistently hit the board as a part of the endboard.

One thing i'm sure i won't touch is that abyss dweller, he's the absolute goat in this meta while it kills so many decks such as the FS, tear, branded,etc.

Before commiting to your white forest combos always start first by playing the fiendsmith then the azamina to force interruptions.

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