White Forest Azamina

Master V from on February 9th, 2025
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck should probably have 3 fuwaloss, but I've only crafted 2 until now, could probably cut the talents for the third copy.

Everyone and their mom are running Nib and Droll, so crossout is obligatory, since Droll can stop most of the deck from working.

Underworld goddess, spright elf and Beatrice honestly never came up, I just copied the base list from somewhere and they sprelf and beatrice felt like they might do something, but honestly the deck doesn't have that many graveyard effects that would require you to use beatrice to use. Underworld goddess I put just for the sake of it since Moon is already there.

Queen azamina was added after seeing the list from the DK tournament and it's a weird card. It's really good when you have enough in your hand already to spend a search on it, but it's rarely the target you want to search with Elzette azamina or Deception, but whenever you get her she's a great extender, even won me a game because 2500 beatstick.

Deck is really fun and I was for sure not playing optimally, but being able to put ~2 omni negates, 3 mat apo and Diabell on field feels amazing.

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Replas probably won't stay there for long cause I like saving them to show friends but there are some cool examples of lines and combos