Notes & Combos
The large amount of traps lets you play low to the ground and allows for decent play under the Roach and Charmies. Additionally, fusing on the opponents turn using Azamina Debtors and Determination (recycles Wanted! from banish) gives some unique interaction with the send from Erysichthon, and Saint Azamina is a very good floodgate in the current meta, working against fiendsmith, most snake-eye and azamina recycling effects, aswell as multiple unique interations for revival effects.
Also lets you "cheat" out Illa Silvia if you get interrrupted during your turn.
Was swapping between Bystial Package and Fiendsmith package multiple times while climbing
401-398-904 One public replay of this against Snake-eye Fiendsmith, Game actually starts during Turn 3