Notes & Combos
Fiendsmith made the deck a lot better. Unfortunately, all other decks got the same, if not a bigger, boost. Still, the standard Vaalmonica lines and the Fiendsmith engine match very well due to Dimonno being a light fiend.
I didn't play a Beatrice payoff and as a result, she almost never came up. Caesar put in work, however. Fuwalos matched surprisingly well with the deck being a Level 4 which we can pendulum summon for an additional body or by serving as a discard for our scales. No matter how powerful the Fiendsmiths were, good old Bagooska is still the MVP of the deck.
Overall, I tried to keep both the Fiendsmith and the Vaalmonica engines as small as possible, as handtraps were very much needed in this format.
Try out the deck, the Vaalmonica stuff is dirt cheap (only 3URs, and you'll want the Fiendsmith stuff regardless).
(If you still need a new player/returnee code, mine is: 16ff5dc3)
I tend to save a lot of random replays where something interesting happened, but the one from Feb. 13th vs . . . (2nd replay atm) shows the pivot from the standard Vaalmonica combo into the Fiendsmith engine off well.
ID: 369-061-315