Notes & Combos
First time ever reaching Master 5! This deck is very fun, lots of duels are won in the grind game, which this deck excels at.
The Azamina engine puts 2~3 spells in the GY, bridges into Camellia, and gives you an omninegate which you can resummon every turn (barring interruptions). It can make Accesscode + 1 optional Charmer reborn on its own, without using your Normal summon. (Selene is always live since Diabellstar is a Spellcaster.) It plays great into Maxx C since you can pass on Silvia + whatever handtraps or backrow you opened.
If you didn't draw into any Azamina cards just do the regular Shizuku shuffle, you likely opened handtraps so you'll do fine.
The spice which takes this deck to the next level IMO:
Deck thinning package (3x Chicken Game, 3x Upstart) - You really, really want to see one or more Azamina card. You also really would rather draw Engage than have to dump it. In Azamina Striker without a deck thinning package you often don't play the game. Also, Chicken Game is basically Pot of Greed most games because it's your only free send for Diabellstar. Heavy deck thinning also means you win the Maxx C minigame more often since you see Maxx C (and its counters, when they don't shotgun it) more often. No desires - not enough Engage targets and the Azamina combo has two one-ofs.
3x Talent - I don't like 3x Talent in regular Striker because you really feel the dead weight when it's not live, but in this deck Talent being dead actually means you likely win the game. 3 Talent + 2 Called By + Crossout makes this deck incredibly resilient to handtraps, plus the deck thinning package increasing chances to see more engine pieces. It also wins games on its own going second.
Reduced Striker package - had to aggressively make space for the deck thinning package, Talent, and 16 monsters to tribute off of Deception, but it was worth it. 1 or 2 Raye is more than enough. Shark Cannon and Afterburners are nice toolbox cards but meh draws. Linkage is useless in this variant. You don't need more than one Shizuku (not enough targets). S:P is a great alternative endboard piece - gives you one banish and can clear your MMZ to resolve the Widow Anchor steal twice in one turn.
Expect lots of silly misplays, I'm not that good.