Goblin Biker

Master V from on February 18th, 2025
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 690
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Pretty good deck atm doesnt lose to Bystials, can play through quite a bit, can sort of play around Maxx C. And is super cheap (2 UR only) you can use PUNK Ze Amin and Foxy Tune if tour guide is too expensive.

Your main and most consistent endboard is Gabonga and Dark Knight Lancer on field. Grand Goblin Pile Up and Full Armored Xyz traps in the backrow. And finally Goblin Clatter Spolder and another Goblin in gy.

The idea is you Clatter Sploder in gy detatch from a xyz material on opponent turn to summon itself which triggers Gabonga to attach one opponent monster to your Gabonga then Clatter Spoder reborns another Goblin in gy then you can Xyz summon on your opponents turn with Full Armored Xyz trap then chain pile up trap on Gabonga to Xyz summon Crazy Beast.

Now you have another attach opponents monster and backrow to your xyz monster, and whatever you Xyz you summoned with Armored Trap as well as Pile Up's gy effect.

But frankly the best part about the deck is its a Xyz deck which means it has a ton of going 2nd power just thanks to zeus as the replay showcases

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Just showing how busted and versatile Zeus is for our deck dont have any off hand combo replays atm
