Notes & Combos
Decklist blatantly netdecked from Gupta (link to their YT in Replays section)
My heart cannot list this under Scareclaw because it runs no dogs and no Tri-Heart, so let's just call this "pure Fiendsmith with a Visas Samsara engine."
The idea is to basically normal summon Samsara, make Light-Heart to add Reichphobia, Reichphobia for Reichheart, and finally Reichheart for Arrival. This represents 3 bodies (Arrival for Samsara, Light-Heart, and later Astraloud) in addition to Moon, which means plenty of Link material. And the fact that both Visas are tuners and your main playmakers are levels 4 and 6 means that you can make Baronne pretty easily.
The Samsara engine isn't without its flaws, however. The engine itself is very big when compared to stuff like Cyberse Gadget or Steam the Cloak, which means less room for non-engine. Also, it depends heavily on being capable of searching stuff from the deck, so Droll can easily turn the rest of your hand into a pile of bricks and end your turn.
It is not uncommon for this deck to end on Caesar + I:P + Rabbit + Azurune, and if you opened either Reichheart or Starfrost, you make an early Baronne instead of I:P.
I tried different tech choices like Droll, no Azurune/Rabbit, A Hero Lives + Plasma, going over 40c, and so on. But ultimately their original main deck was what worked best.
The only difference between Gupta's list and mine is Underworld Goddess over Borrelsword. Going second this deck has little trouble putting big bodies like Astraloud and Baronne onto the field so I felt Borrelsword was rather redundant, and Goddess actually came up once while not having Borrelsword never hurt me.
Sadly this format is full of handtrap wars and scooping to almost anything that resolves, so there were very few duels worthy of saving as replays.
Gupta's original list with explanations (Japanese)