Lunalight Raidraptor

Master V from on February 28th, 2024
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Couple specific cards you may have questions about-- Scheiren is your best extender, Pantera is to unbrick certain hands, Dweller seems pretty good in this format, and Dark Requiem + PK package is just better Apo for the same cost (Wise Strix +2). Most of the list is fairly standard shenanigans.

Typical endboard is something like Bardiche, Cyber Infinity, Utopic Draco Future, Dark Rebellion, and Abyss Dweller, with set Fog Blade and PK RUM Force to go into Dark Requiem, for a humble total of 7+ interactions and some anti-GY. With the right hand you can combo through multiple interactions, but I wouldn't count on it. The deck has some weak points and there isn't a whole lot you can do to play around them.

Going 2nd, Wise Strix can set RUM Astral Force off Raider's Knight's effect to rank up Arc Rebellion into Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon (secret tech). Arc Rebellion is usually better but Odd-Eyes is cooler and in case they have a bunch of backrows they aren't using, a pesky field spell, or a field of defense position monsters, Raging Dragon has never failed me.

Questions? Feel free to ask me (Xelsior) in the Lunalight channel on the MDM Discord or send a DM!


MD ID: 506-042-092

I should have some replays up of general Lunalight gameplay, but you might see some other variants. If you want the combo lines, it might be helpful.