Notes & Combos
VS... not as good as Purrely but way more fun. The first time I decided to grind to master 1 since the rank got released. Went pretty smooth (15/5 in last 20 games). Some changes you can make to optimize / cheapen the deck:
- Extra Deck: You only need 3 Rock, Bagooska (and maybe Underworld Goddess)
- Main Deck:
- I didn't really miss a 3. Mad Love or a 2. Caesar
- You could cut the 3. Jiaolong, but never cut the trap, it won me everything (even cut dust bevor snow)
- 1 kurikara is sadly enough, as she seems rather bad against everything except maybe purrely and even then... you can still small world for her (could even play a kaiju in her place, earth, fire or dark for obvious reasons)
- D Shifter was almost always dead for me but he seems too good against most decks to cut...
- kashtira is the only thing keeping this even barely together, the engine does everything
Final thoughts: The deck could really use 1 more good searchable earth monster. And holy ---- is this deck expensive... As a F2P player I will never recover from this.