
Master I from on May 9th, 2024 • 23 comments
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 420
20 UR Craft Required 3 UR SD/Bundle/PVE
43 cards

Notes & Combos

So this season I clibmed M5-M1 twice, I ran gamma instead of droll for a full run and then deranked myself all the way back down tried droll after.

Gamma is an insane card if it resolves, and feels better going 2nd full stop. It wouldn't be wrong to just run it instead of droll. However, in my games my overall winrate was just higher with droll when considering both 1st and 2nd.

If it doesn't make sense given droll's interaction into Lab and R-ace, just remember that:

  • Lab is a free match up for this deck regardless, their wincons aren't strong into you and them resolving roach is one of the few ways they can actually win outside of a very custom hand
  • This deck has very high resliency going first outside of le roach and can crack most boards going 2nd if only you're not under maxx c
  • We can almost fully play under droll with very few exceptions, so it's almost always a benefical card even if it's just to prevent them going +100 or to eat a cbtg so your other things resolve
  • 2 snake eye ash and 2 wanted mean the best deck of the format needs to search more often/plays around droll less. I definitely felt it this seaosn compared to the last one

A few things on the contract package since people ask a lot and it's genuinely insane in this deck.

Going first:

  1. Pops a card without using a normal summon, this is critical for consistency of your 2 card combos
  2. Even if it doesn't resolve, it represents half a yama at all times which is also very important. You can just normal a fiend and keep playing post imperm/veiler
  3. Caesar is a priority target for them to remove from the board which means you get a spell that's a discard for AUS or follow up

Going second:

  1. Pops anything on the board so it forces interactions that would stop your plays/otk from happening
  2. 3k body to punch over things without using any effects, important into things like Fenrir/omni negates
  3. Threatens zeus which is another interruption post battle phase so it forces further interactions

On the rest of the extra deck:

S:P wasn't used for 99% of the climb since it just came out, it's there for updated deck list purposes post new pack.

I still think you can run unicorn as well, as you can imagine a situation where you'd sharv pop something to get AUS out prior to using rage, but it's not extremely likely so it potentially can be cut for something else.

Goddess is randomly good into branded/lab/purrely and although it's not frequent it can come up

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Player id: 928-702-885

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10 months ago

Congrats on the m1 and thx for piloting tips

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10 months ago

Do you think 2 S:P is better than S:P and Unicorn, or is Unicorn being a Fiend too convenient?

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10 months ago

Based on what I've seen unicorn it's great to circumvent the fiend lock, and the discard isn't bad, as you can discard sharvara to activate it's effect, I think that 1x unicorn 1x SP it's optimal

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10 months ago

Thanks for the fast answer! Congrats on the Master 1!

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10 months ago

I'd say no purely because of going 2nd.

It's very difficult to extend into a board without fiend locking yourself and simply linking away bodies that you'd want to pop to further summon from deck doesn't feel very strong when you usually need to bring out AUS/Shyama to deal with problematic backrow and such.

It's also not great that we can't attack directly after. Obviously if you see the line for a low ceiling play to efficiently remove their board and give them another turn that's fine, but it prevents us from OTKing as well.

I'd have to test more to see if the 2nd S:P would ever come up, but I honestly don't think it would.

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10 months ago

My extra deck is pretty much the same but I don't have unicorn I have gryphon

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10 months ago

Nice! I don't find gryphon very useful in this economy as it's simply a worse Caesar in many regards.

It getting subverted doesn't send sharv to gy nor does it add a discard to your hand/followup.

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10 months ago

I think Gryphon is useful if they nib you bc you can't set up Caesar if you didn't start with tour guide if they nib you so you set up a gryphon lock

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10 months ago

That also requires running Disaster, which is another hard brick in a deck that's already bricky.

In BO1 in this deck your biggest issue will be an out to Maxx C and playing through HTs rather than what's typically a 1 of Nibiru.

In Bo3 or a tournament setting with siding, I'd likely run it as a option, yeah.

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10 months ago

what are your preferred banish targets with pot? I find myself sending darius, muck, and goddess most often. Depending on context I may also just do second caesar or second blue dog as they don't happen to come up for me very often

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10 months ago

In general something like darius, zeus, 1 rage, muck, unicorn, and goddess is fine with 0 matchup knowledge. If you get shiftered, obviously you keep darius. I find 2 Caesar comes up more than you think, 1 gets eaten going 1st and on turn 3 if you don't want to fold to nib you make another one mid combo.

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10 months ago

What do you think about Foolish Burial? It is another way to get Sharvara in grave to help get the combo started. Also can get Shyama in grave in weird situations where you have a trap but no monster.

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10 months ago

In order of utility it's prosp -> foolish -> wailing -> third chamber probably.

It's fine, so long as you're not running it over better cards. I chose not to but it's not the worst call if you like it.

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10 months ago

Hey I really wanna play this deck, however I’m running a little short on UR crafting materials so do you think I can afford to run only 2 guides and 2 Sharvara for the time while I get more materials? And if so what would you substitute them with

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10 months ago

Just play more copies of rakea. This deck is full of Two card combos. You just need Aruha/Rakea/Sharvara/ddd contract + any unchained spell/trap

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10 months ago

If you haven't crafted anything yet, I'd go 3 sharvara with the dark beckoning beast package (since they're cheap with SRs) over 2 tour guides and 2 sharvara. Sharvara is custom and one of the best cards in the deck, you absolutely want 3.

Hold off on tour guide mats until you have all required staples and necessary extra deck cards and replace those with dbb until then.

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10 months ago

But don’t you think this meta, droll is abit weak plying against rescue ?

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10 months ago

I highlighted some points above with respect to droll. You lose some utility going 2nd with droll vs gamma, but you lose more games to maxx c resolving on you (on both when you win the flip and go 1st or lose and start going 2nd).

Realistically, if you don't draw the correct non engine vs r-ace it's a huge uphill battle when you lose the flip regardless, made all the more impossible when they combo AND drop maxx c on you in draw phase. I didn't win extremely often going 2nd into r-ace, but I did win games over them by playing intelligently through their traps and drolling the maxx c they dropped on my first special summon.

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10 months ago

Ermmm, how do you use handtrap vs rescues nowadays? Especially they have s:p little knight

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10 months ago

Why didn't you run Live Twin Unchained over pure?

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10 months ago

Because it's significantly worse. Live twins don't fix the inherent maxx c weakness for one. Secondly, it doesn't send rhino and set up a trap on field on its own.

Finally, it's strictly worse into HTs due to the main deck twins not being fiends, so imperm/veiler cook you in the twin variant where in pure you essentially run 7 copies of sharvara to dodge imperm a good majority of the time.

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10 months ago

Makes sense, just thought you loved the archypyte that's why I asked.

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10 months ago

I do love it haha, it's just unfortunately not that good here.

Spright twins is still the best version you can play these days if you enjoy twin decks.