Notes & Combos
Decided to give sky striker tenpai a whirl this season to compare with fiendsmith tenpai from last season. Felt similarly powerful, maybe this build was overall better but I did benefit from lower ceiling decks like Blue-Eyes being more common this month. Even the rise of Millennium Fiendsmith Snake-Eyes is a beneficial development since it means no Ilia Silvia to deal with so droplets and raigeki get better value. Obvious worse match-ups are into the rare ftks, rare super high ceiling combos like Infernoble that would die to maxx c/fuwaloss and losing the coinflip in the mirror since you have to pray that any droplets or anchors you open are enough
For improvements would consider another Slayer (I only have two) and more CoH. Jamming waves is also a consideration if stun becomes more prevalent. Would also drop Seals for a more aggressive link 2 like Zeke or Donner