
Master I from on March 22nd, 2025
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 510
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Hello laddies and Gentlewomen; Tiaraments Strongest.

After this wonderful year of SE domination, it is with great joy that I contribute to yet another train of "Ban Kitkallos" because the deck is obviously tier 0 and one shotting from blind sec- oh wait.

  • Jokes aside, this list is the "go first" or "full gas" approach to the deck; see Justinian's Millenium Tear list; a variant of which I played on the way to Dlvl Max. (Me, Lotus, w and a bunch of other people convinced him to try adding the millenium engine for his handtrap list, it plays a bit different but it works very well as much as tear purists hate it)

  • Following the success in the handtrap list I built my version of Millenial Tear with/without kash (added them back); and with 0-2 screams (1 is correct).

  • So first and foremost, the pillar is Beatrice. You have a billion ways to make beatrice all thanks to the bodies you produce. And that's where your unicorns and millenium come in.

  • The postulate is that the tear cards are better the more of them you have, and in the current environement where most of them are banned/limited, would I rather open Reino Scream Grief, or Senjin Reino Unicorn. I think the answer is pretty obvious. There's no kelbekk to mill from scream (i'm not defending the ishizu millers they're ridiculous). Add to that the above statement, and you just max your beatrice angles.

  • The millenium line for tear basically produces The zombie vampire+mill4+reborn body, and leaves a 6 on board. Combined with moon that means beatrice.

  • So basically be it handtrap or gas tear, you end up with tear getting you to bea, or bea/tzv getting you to tears later on. The high monster count is also to accomodate TZV reborn, as well as dugares reborn.

  • Now here's the W twist. Initially he said when i get wiped by Tenpai, I just die to 0 followup, so I need a 2nd beatrice.

  • I decided to take it a step further. Beatrice is an endpiece and extender, why can I not actively run 2. And the result is the ED we have here.

  • Sequence= Beatrice>Desirae. Thus Baronne de fleur is an omni that lets me make 2nd beatrice. Use seq body for Appo/SP.

  • Occasionally if you really don't need her, you sequence kaleido pop him for a trap and ball.

  • With 2 beatrice from millenium/sequence/tract/reborn engraver solo or w/ Dugares (save your requiem for moon sometimes),you get to run scream etc as 1 ofs.

  • And that's it for my hot OCG Deckbuilding kekw.

Tiaraments Strongest! Save for your Kit sleeves!

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No replays, but just check Justinian's meta weekly performance until finals with the HT ver. Instead, have some tech cards:

  • The black goat laughs, chain goat, chain Desirae. Gee I wonder why justinian lost to noids in finals KEKW.
  • Archfiend eccentrick is a babe. She pops monsters, spell/traps into stun and is searchable. Light fiend if milled/for tract gy effect. Very sweet. Tract add eccentrick send scream, eccentrick pop sulliek.
  • Knightmare phoenix for stun over X card.
  • Ip is cool.