
Master I from on March 16th, 2025
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I regularly lose ~75% of caoin tosses, so the deck is adjusted accordingly (quarter of the dack are going second cards).

Extra deck is ok, sadly Azamina monsters never came up during climb ('cause Sphere Mode was glued to my hand), but I wouldn't change them regardless; Bagooska was Mysterion in lower Master tiers (5&4).

The deck is a mix of フラルダリウスの紋章 and あっさり TOP10 Rating decks, so most of the credits go to them.

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I'll try to make public some good replays, 'cause I didn't think that I could make it to Master 1 and didn't save them along the way.