
Master I from on March 18th, 2025
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Had a really hard time climbing with Mikanko until i've decided to incorporate the Fiendsmith engine.

I already thought about adding it before because of the synergy with Lurrie and Ohime but in my mind at this time, it wasn't worth cutting board breakers like Kaijus and Lightning Storm. My mistake is that i completely forgot about Dogmatika Maximus, you know this card that happens to be a brick when you hard draw it ? Well now it's no longer one but turns out to be your second best card next to Lava Golem. Baiting interactions with Fiendsmith is easy but when you get into a chokepoint you can just give up on your FS plays and banish something from GY to summon Maximus. Once on field Maximus can help you with anything you want:

  • Popping a card by sending N'tss.
  • Grabbing Ohime by sending Arc Light.
  • Drawing a card by sending Garura.
  • Burning for 1200 by sending Lacrima.
  • Sending a card to the GY with Desirae.

Then you can bounce it back to your hand with Water Arabesque if needed. For the names i'm running a singular Hu-Li to directly have target protection since the current chances of resolving Ha-Re's effect are nearly non existent. The ideal scenario would be to swing with Hu-Li and Ohime into a Lava Golem then burn for game with its effect alongside spiritwalk. I'm Not running Double-Edged sword because we need to establish our board before attempting to use the card and it plays really bad into the average Snake-Eyes enboard ( I:P and S:P ). I also put Snatch Steal instead of Reflection Rondo to make Hidden Armory more impactful because you can't try baiting by searching Rondo and using it since you no longer have a normal summon. Ceremony will now send Mayowashidori instead, an arguably better target that can bounce Lava Golem, Santa Claus or your own Bystials so you can summon them again. I've left some replays below to give you a small idea, have fun 😁

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Swapped Feather Duster in and out for Gearfried and Phantazmay, Aggregator can also replace Zeus.