
Master I from on March 11th, 2025
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Pretty standard blind 2nd hand trap control list. Same list I submitted for winstreak this season. Super easy climb I went X-4 from M4 to M1. Somehow all the stun dissappeared and I queued in to Tenpai once.

I think I only saw 1 tenpai and 1 fireking for match ups where Bystials weren't live. Nib over performed. I would not run less than 3. Veiler/Ash/Imperm are really good if you draw multiple right now since 2 bodies isnt full FS combo yet and they work vs pretty much every engine.

Phantazmy was ok but I would consider him the worst hand trap in my list. There are times where his draws miss. I could see an arguement for cutting him since if WF or SE dont start with FS by the time Phantazmy is live we've missed the choke points for where we'd like to use the handtraps we draw. But he's really fun to use.

No Drolls. I feel like my deck can't tempo swing the game hard enough to capitalize off of Droll. They technically don't lose any card economy if I Droll them and they're very likely to live and use the cards they got to keep to push next turn.

I considered Ghost Belle and Ghost Ogre. But more Bystials and the Phantzmy made the cut instead. Belle and Ogre don't hit enough things and the Bystials and Phantzmy are not that much less narrow while providing an upside if they go off.

I liked my engine ratios. Going 2nd and having 6 cards helps. Somehow didn't feel bricky. Because of the bodies from hantraps Tract and Lurrie were likely FS combo. Steam by itself is combo and bumps the normal summon count to 4. Didn't feel the need to add more and risk drawing multiple normal summons (I'm not on Cyberse stuff so I can't filter my draws).

Zeus never came up. Apo, and Seals came up but they were always in games I was already winning. 2nd Requiem came up but not the 2nd Sequence. 2nd Ty-Phon came up once. I did not see as many Unicorns as I thought I would.

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