cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 270
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Blue-Eyes Deck played to Master I Rank on March 2025

Few Points on the cards used in my Blue-Eyes Deck:

  • Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit saved me countless times during this meta, especially against Sangen Summoning, Blue-Eyes (True Light), Wedju Temple, Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye, Transcode Talker, Kashtira Birth, and Deception of the Sinful Spoils. I definitely would not take this card out
  • Triple Tactics Talents is a must in this hand-trap heavy meta, and it does funny things against Exodia after it negated my spell/trap. Was running 1 first but I increased it to 2 during my push from Master Rank II to I.
  • The Ultimate Creature of Destruction I added because I got annoyed by Tenpai. After I used it on my Blue-Eyes card against them on their turn, they could not finish me off on their turn and it usually resulted in them surrendering since they can't get rid of my Blue-Eyes monster affected by it. It also tends to be discard fodder for my Wishes for Eyes of Blue because it comes right back on my field upon summoning my Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
  • Nibiru kept getting removed from my deck and back again. Was running 2 but I sometimes bricked if I was against Exodia and it was useless against Tenpai. Honestly I could have removed it altogether but I decided to just keep 1. Was more useful against mirror matches, and those using Fiendsmith and Azamine engine (only if I have another handtrap).
  • Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon is optional but I liked it as a random finisher, bouncing some annoying cards, and having it help me protect my Spell/Traps from Tenpai Boardbreakers.

The Deck definitely needs the Primite Engine to have it recycle its resources better and for more protection. Hope it gets implemented fast.

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