Runick Spright

Master I from on March 22nd, 2024 • 2 comments
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Full-combo: Assault Syncho (3 Tuning so 6 target, can dig through fountain draw also) + 2 lv 2 ( Runick Spell or an spright )

Make Cupid pitch Increase lv to 6-> Make accel with Cupid and lv2 body -> Search Dogra through cupid+ Accel revive Assault -> Normal Dogra dump Kitt if your hand have Runick spell and fountain already setup otherwise dump garura to draw-> Make Sprind from Dogra and Assault, dump Plague Zombie-> Zombie return 1 on hand to ss-> Accel eff tribute to make Dispater-> Assault trigger banish to SS accel -> Dispater summon back Zombie from banish-> MAke barone from Zombie and Accel -> Now depend on your hand after draw from fountain or just simply summon Zombie from grave then make Gigantic from sprind and Zombie -> Full Spright combo

So Basically u end on Dispater + Baron+ Spright normal board with runick Setup.

U can also search for caligo from cupid to combo without Normal Summon. (Very useful when going 2nd and have Sphere mode)

Strongest point of this deck is that After fullcombo your deck is about 20 card left, so any runick draw or elf revive ipiria is a huge chance to get maxx c. Can transition to normal Spight board if dont have Assault access. Runick spell bait imperm and ash like crazy too. Only nib point is when u already have Accel and tuner on the field, which u can play through Easily.

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a year ago

There is no plague zombie on the list. :/

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a year ago

No wonder feeling something is missing, yeah the plague zombie instead of 3rd dispelling