Notes & Combos
adventure variant had trouble climbing diamond so i picked up 40 card variant. When in doubt copy what astra is doing.
i was pleasently suprised by medium kash package. kashtira makes almost every quality of the deck better. Endbaords, board breaking, grind game, playing into maxx c, etc.
i tried the lizard link that astra used and was not impressed. its easily the least used card in the extra and it kinda has a similar problem to typhon where if you use it you are playing into a losing game.
i never play maxx c so i swapped them out for 2 scareclaw backrow options and an extra belone.
-Scareclaw sclash: it is weaker then twinsaw but a lot of the time this deck's endboard really needs an omni negate.
-scareclaw defanging: this card is slept on by my peers. it is super versatile and i never play without it. helps as extra biard breaking option, helps in longer duels, makes our boss monster a very threatening endboard piece, and its battle effect is relevent in a couple matchups.