Voiceless Voice

Master I from on February 26th, 2025
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Finally I was able to get Voiceless voice to master 1.

One ostinato ends on Apollousa, Vortex dragon and Dweller. Refrain ends on Apollousa and Dweller. Both give a draw 1 from fusion spell.

When you use ostinato make sure you have one refrain to summon from the deck and one couplet to add if possible.

Don't forget to use refrain pendulum effect to send a melodious from deck to grave. Use bacha to revive the level 5 couplet and cross sheep to revive the level 4.

If you have blessing you can make I.P with Lo and the extra couplet.

Pure voiceless endboard was never strong enough past diamond and sauravis is useless against some decks.

With melodious it makes your endboard better and your turn 2 better. You can't break a god board but you can break a mediocre board which i was never able to do before. Melodious are fairy's which makes orange light live most of the time also trias can consistently pop a card and maybe draw 2 which is pretty cool.

I started at master 3 went to master 2 got demoted and dropped the deck then picked it up again at master 4 then went to master 1. Replays are of the master 4 to 1 climb. It took me 1 day to get there.

I don't have fiendsmith yet so im not recommending this over it since I haven't tested it.

I've been trying to get voicless voice to master 1 for months and as soon as I put in melodious I got there easily so give it a try if you've got the cards.

The entire extra is important but anima is the most flexible spot and linkuriboh but they make it easy to go into S.P so I would craft them since they come up in any deck with a level 1.

If you use your normal summon you can pend summon diviner which is pretty cool.

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