Snake-Eye Fiendsmith

Master I from on February 28th, 2025
cp-ur 1230 + cp-sr 300
43 cards

Notes & Combos

5th time to Master 1 with a different Snake-Eye variant :). 43 cards because we have enough starters and drawing bricks is bad.


Main Deck

Cosmic Cyclone? Cosmic Cylone! I find this card good right now because not only does it explode opposing Azamina decks if you set it going first but it can also help break boards. It works on the common I:P in the backrow and the Sequence equipped to Des Irae. In the best case, you can chain Cosmic to their Des Irae effect, which not only makes the negate fail, but also their Fiensmith follow-up is forever neutered even if they survive the turn. Also also there's an annoying amount of stun running about currently that this card is great against.

Droll I love in this deck and meta. Drolling your opponent in the mirror will often end their turn or severely hurt their endboard. Droll on Engraver search in particular is crazy. But also because many players have basically 5 copies of Maxx "C", the typical anti-Maxx "C" suite is no longer enough. This deck does search, but it's all at the start! In many games I got Maxx "C" + Fuwalosed or 2x Fuwalosed, gave them 1, 2, or even 3 draws, Drolled myself, built the typical board, and won.

No Nibiru but I can see why it would be good. If it weren't for stun, I might cut the Cosmics for Nibs.

Extra Deck

From what I've seen, this deck's extra has basically 3 flex spots. I chose to spend those on Des Irae, Beatrice, and Knightmare Phoenix. Des Irae I like for the insane grind game it provides. Beatrice is of course to make Engraver a starter. Phoenix is a good going second card, a good anti-stun card, and it's a second way to get rid of Promethean Princess. It was Selene for a while, which makes Apollousa extra easy to set up thanks to Snake-Eyes Diabellstar being a spellcaster. Before that it was Accesscode, which was often made with Sequence.

The Engraver combo works, but isn't super necessary. If I cut Beatrice, I might consider reducing the Fiendsmith main deck count to just 1 Engraver to increase hand quality.

Cards I've considered for the Phoenix and maybe Beatrice slot: Snake-Eyes Doomed Dragon, Wave High King Caesar, or Raging Phoenix + Zealantis. I've never tried Doomed Dragon, but it sounds quite good for going second. Caesar would be great for playing around Nib, but I haven't been Nibbed in a while. People are playing board breakers again, against which Des Irae is better. The Zealantis OTK package, like Accesscode, seems overkill.

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