Sky Striker

Master I from on February 19th, 2025
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

  • 2 Raye is copium but I need to fit some more boardbreakes so it's whatever. We are sacrificing consistency for more firepower. I still recommend to play 3 raye like the standard
  • Ultimate Slayer is pog this meta. The downside if obv the extra deck slots. But the game usually should end before you run out of everything in your extra deck. 2 hayate + 2 shizuku + 3 kagari should be the minimum QoL for comfy rotation. But 1 hayate can work just fine. Bucep + garura is just for more coverage but you can cut it to minimize the extra deck slots requirement
  • The list should change constantly according to what you see in the ladder. Each board breaker hada different coverage u need to develop ur intuition about the meta. For example, DRNM is not good against deck that doesn't tunnel their resources to build a board full of monsters. There are a lot of choices:
    • Cosmic cyclone
    • Dark hole
    • Upstart
    • Droplet
    • Evenly
    • Gravekeeper's inscription
    • Super Polymerization
  • Super poly is also great if you only against white forest. You just need to fuse ilia + baronne in to saint azamina. WF Aza will keep baronne under spright elf and Super poly can still deal with it
  • You kinda give up tenpai matchup with this build. If you wanna counter tenpai then you need to play handtraps or traps like dbarrier
  • do not be afraid of bystials or droll. I once got bystialed like 6 time against a bystials fs deh and still won.
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i don't save much replays because most opponents just misplayed or my hand was just too good. 516-763-148