Notes & Combos
The deck can win most games going first. With the addition of Fiendsmith and the Mulcharmmies, all the struggle is with going second.
This decklist is dedicated to all fellow unlucky folks who don't have the luxury of going first 90% of the time. :)
To say that you'll probably lost most of your games going second against full combo Fiendsmith + anything is an understatement. Even if you clear their board, all their cards recycle themselves, because why not? Not to mention the pseudo-cost these cards have.
Tried board breakers early in the season, more specifically, Forbidden Droplet which may be enough to break boards but the new cards provide so much follow-up.
Handtrap/Engine Options
This section contains all handtrap/engine options tried during the climb.
Tried but Dropped
Droll & Lockbird Tried during the early stages of the season but was only really effective vs White Forest Azamina. The Snake-Eyes variant ends on pretty broken endboards anyway which the deck just can't play through.
Bystial Lubellion + Branded Regained Had decent games with the engine but drawing Lubellion/Regained going second just sucks and the engine is pointless going second vs Fiendsmith SE/WF boards. It's quite decent on grind games.
Mulcharmy Fuwalos Oh look, another handtrap this deck basically has no answer to. I tried adding two on early builds primarily for as a crossout target, but it was quite rare for me to get hit by both Mulcharmy + Maxx C so I dropped it entirely for better handtraps.
Dimension Shifter A good card in theory and probably a card you should play 100% of the time in this deck but I barely drew it when I needed it, and when I do, it's when I can't use it :)
Effective Handtraps
Ghost Belle and Haunted Mansion I've faced White Forest Azamina a lot during the climb and everyone basically funnels their combo to do the Active Hallowed Azamina -> Chain Wanted -> Send for Cost. Not to mention you have insulation from your own Maxx C's getting called by when you go second. Also prevents a lot of graveyard shenanigans that are pretty strong right now.
Retaliating "C" A better option that Dimension Shifter. An additional body, banishes, and searches Maxx "C".
Small Bystial Package Magnamhut/Druis/Baldrake, pretty much helps in combos with only Rampengu and is an additional body. Had a larger bystial engine but it felt like other handtraps were better.
Can refer to my previous replays last season for basic combos. Only wanted to show interesting replays
MD: 524-592-081
Youtube: ritual beast replays