Notes & Combos
Zantos here welcoming the Smiths to the Zombie World, whether they are on the field or in the GY, giving them a taste of how it feels being a Zombie enjoyer😤The ABSOLUTE kind of Zombie enjoyer, where most of the ED are Zombies!!! We are an oppressed bunch by your truly... Komoney. 😞
Made it to Master 1 the same day the new stuff and banlist came. I was pushing REALLY hard to make it to Master 1 before the new cards... but alas, time was limited. Was Master 2 the day before the new cards😞Today, I had to deal with this massive amount of... y'know 😞
2 demotes in Diamond rank: D3 to D4, then D2 to D3... went with that whooping 3 coin losses on each one of them.
1 demote in Master rank: M2 to M3... it happened right on the new pack day... 3 coin losses right off the bat, but this time it was dealing with the abomination this game just got... as if the game wasn't already "Go First or Go Home" now it is even more. Even worse when there is no 3rd C anymore😞
Despite all that, as always, Zantos trust in his Mayakashi Eldlich Deck to the MAX!!!😤
- About my Deck:
The Decklist was just the same as before before the Banlist. Right on the day the Banlist came in effect (as well as the day of M1) the 3rd C and the Rock are now Droplets. Very hard to win going Second without it😞
Will Zantos go into Fsmith? No. This Deck consistently brings up Zombie World to enable a lot of plays as well as making opponent feel what it is to be Zombie. Being Zombie completely kills any Fsmith engine. None of their Fsmith ED can be summoned, neither them summoning in GY.
But Beatrice Rollback Mayakashi Trap??? That is just not worth it in this Deck. This Deck just doesn't have 1carddoitallforyou to be going full send to make that kind of play, nor wanting more bricks... Rollback and Fsmith (when Zombie World is up). I love my Zombie ED🥰
- About this Season's meta:
I have only simmered into these new Season cards for less than 1 day, and less than 3h... so I can't talk much about it. But what I CAN say is that... oh boy... this game is sooooooooooooooooooooooo bad... like really REALLY REALLY bad.
Go First or Go Home... or have the C resolve, or Droplet😞
The new Goodies are Azamina and Fsmith and they can be slapped in almost any Deck essentially making them feel like SHS back in the days where they can bring an early Negate to protect themselves if you were to hold your cards. Zero lock on all that... and we all know why. Money.
Zombie World allows you to COMPLETELY ignore Fsmith as they will have no plays to make due to lack of Fiend LIGHT on Field and/or GY. Then we can focus on their other plays.
When will ever be my turn to not be on the suffering side😞
🔟🥧almost down to the drain now😞.
My ID: 956-924-612
Type "from: zantos", "has: video" in the search bar of this website Discord server!!
Now you can watch how Zantos plays regularly in the Season in my Zantos' channel!!! Hope you find it entertaining and useful😅
One guy said why no music🥲so now I have to figure what to put on for sound. So it will take a while to get them uploaded... BUT STAY TUNE!!!
Just like before, I have recorded the climbing from D5 to M1 skipping the re-rank up process, if I had demoted in the Season.