Notes & Combos
Fun deck that has decent plays into Fuwalos/Maxx C. Try to go into your fiendsmith lines first and get to Caesar to play around nibiru and/or retaliating C, which seemed to be picking up in popularity over my climb to M1 and is quite crushing for this deck.
It does suck that playing around ash often requires playing into droll, but droll is not anywhere near as common so if they have it they have it.
Closed moon rarely came up, without the main deck lacrima it not being full fiendsmith combo really hurts. Most common use was when you don't have any chimera cards. Say you have only deception + HTs:
deception -> rcielago -> NS anything -> closed moon -> recycle azamina
Having caesar + desirae + apo is probably a bit superfluous. sp, ip, and chimera the illusion beast are other possible ED options but none of them would swing enough games to warrant inclusion imo. Running Superpoly + targets is probably a viable alternative as well.