Time Thief

Duelist Cup Stage 2 Win Streaks from on March 24th, 2025
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

final result: 15985pt

Trying to add some millennium in. It can make board larger and also can provide some break point when going second. usually we will have enough link material for rabbit with millennium, so I reduce the number of power reserve. and bring angel statue for more cont. trap choice Gost ogre is good in environment so i put one.

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stage 2 record https://youtu.be/kn9zx19utEo?si=V1msh8xxmcZ-sCED

stage 1 record https://youtu.be/4OotzeR6tU8?si=OxOxgIZekbm_yQm3