Bystial Runick

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on September 27th, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Extremely stock standard Bystial Runick list, and my first Dlvl Max ever.

Spent almost 12 hours straight bouncing back and forth between Dlvl 15 and 16 before hitting 17 (which is normally where and why I stop), then went from Dlvl 17 straight to Dlvl Max in a single unbroken streak, which was wild.

Chengying, Lulu, TY-PHON, and Coral Dragon never came up (I actually meant to replace Coral Dragon with Malong for a second route into LIGHT+DARK Chaos Angel but kept forgetting). Omega was great every time I made him, but I never had the opportunity to double handrip via Dis Pater.

Double Regained was extremely useful, and I much preferred opening a copy of Regained to bricking on Beast. Same goes for TTT, which either swung the game for me going second or let me get to a cope board going first. I can't see running the deck without either of them at this point.

S:P + Regained is a heck of a cope board and got me through a lot of tough games where I got hand trapped extra hard going first. Ironically, I think S:P actually helps Bystial Runick a lot more than she hurts it, as she's incredibly easy to make with the Runick ED monsters and synergizes extremely well with Regained and Bystial Dis Pater.

Also, don't sleep on Sleipnir. His S:P-like banish effect not only synergizes with Branded Regained, but he saved my bacon on a number of occasions in the BP. He's also great for forcing out negates and interactions going second.

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