Notes & Combos
Zombies can finally make good use of ghost fusion now that duke of demise is in the game. Punk was a good engine for the deck back when chaos ruler was legal but fell off. Now that duke is released, it's back as a great engine. Lowers your LP for ghost fusion and bridges to it as well by being able to make immortal dragon and sending sleeper.
Millennium engine is also a huge boost being able to place cards you want in gy such as mezuki and sending them to summon doomed dragon to facilitate an easy zombie vampire in tandem with sengenjin. Golem is also a level 6 earth which is perfect for making gottoms with a level 3 tuner such as ze amin, uni-zombie, or even ash blossom. This gets really nasty when paired with zombie world as mezuki can keep reviving him to handloop and ghost ship (which is also a great new addition) can also bring him back.
Your main combo will be any access to ze amin + a discard. This line will eventually get you to a point where you have chang shi, duke, and drive on field. From here you will send banshee with chang shi to fetch zombie world and then make beatrice. Beatrice will send sengenjin by detaching duke and since zombie world treats everything in gy and field as a zombie, duke can banish himself to add sengenjin to your hand. From there you're free to do whatever you please with the bodies available to you. I also won't lie that super poly carried me in this meta whenever I opened it, if you have the space for it in your extra I recommend running it.
If you are interested in seeing my build in action, I have several replays up (replays for older decks may have been replaced by new ones). You can follow me and watch them by searching this ID! 837-020-271