Yubel Fiendsmith

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 17th, 2025
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 450
42 cards

Notes & Combos

-->This deck is meant to be a more fun version of Yubel Fiendsmith. The standard stuff is stronger, but the difference is not that big. Even Dark Beckoning Beast is a one card FTK combo with this deck.

-->The main idea of this FTK deck is to go into the Fiendsmith plays. You will then try to win during your opponent's draw phase. Don't forget to toggle on during your opponent's draw phase!

-->Here's the main FTK combo idea:

-You need two dark fiends in the GY, which Requiem will fuse into Aerial Eater.

-Aerial Eater, on summon, will send Archfiend Heiress to the GY, which will then add Nightmare Archfiends to your hand.

-You then summon Engraver from your GY, and go into Beatrice.

-Beatrice sends both Earthbound Release and Transaction Rollback to the GY: once during your turn, and once during your opponent's draw phase. The order doesn't matter that much, but I prefer to send Rollback first.

-For the FTK, during your opponent's draw phase, once Earthbound Release and Transaction Rollback are in the GY, on Chain Link 1 (IMPORTANT), you use Nightmare Archfiends to tribute one of your monsters, to summon three tokens onto your opponent's field.

-Then as soon as the Token summoning has resolved, you activate Transaction Rollback to copy the effect of Earthbound Release. That's it. You've won.

-->If by any chance your FTK play gets interrupted, you can just go back to playing Yubel normally. Reaching DLv Max with this deck was almost effortless for me.

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My Master Duel ID is 836-112-288. At the moment, my latest replay shows how D Lotus becomes a one card FTK combo with this deck.