
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 16th, 2025
cp-ur 1380 + cp-sr 600
60 cards

Notes & Combos

🔥Volcanic Fiendsmith 😔

Took 36 games, with the Diamond 5 start.

This is better going-second than a 60 list has any right to, simply for how much stuff you can throw at your opponent. It can FTK through Imperm consistently, as opposed to only Ash Blossom in the past. If they Droll you; sure no FTK but gl beating 3 mat Apo, flamberge + s/t I:P and enough follow up to last you an entire game. Though some games your hand is just shell/scattershot.

This meta is actual dogwater.

Me and my opponent now get to waste more of each other's time instead of actually playing a game of YuGiOh cause Konami can't stick their head out of their cash register to notice how miserable it is to play. Me and others playing FTK, boards even Tenpai can't hope to beat, or floodgate players tailored to hate the GY; all not wanting to play a game and just see wins.

Do I have to put my alt-art Apo on a pentagram or something to make this company address not just the issues but the things that are persistently getting more and more common and oppressive.

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ID: 282-051-848. No new replays.