Voiceless Voice

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 18th, 2025
cp-ur 1320 + cp-sr 240
41 cards

Notes & Combos

well, im back at it again with another Branded VV lists, but with a few tweaks from my previous lists.

  • For this list, i have only included HTs that i deem pretty impactful. I was on the verge of cutting Imperm because its not really that impactful, but seeing as Imperm + Any of my other HTs (especially Nibiru) was good, i decided to keep it

  • Fuwalos has a 2nd reason to be here, and its for when u get Maxx C'd (or Fuwa'd) on your Branded Fusion activation. Simply send Fuwa + Albaz and u get Rindbrumm

  • Alba-Lenatus is back on the ED Menu because of the amount of Blue-eyes players that i'm encountering

  • 2 Mirrorjade Because i realized that its actually easier than i expected to make the 2nd Mirrorjade, albeit that your 1st MJ needs to be taken out

  • No Pendulumgraph because i found it to be not so good in this meta & i'd rather have the 2nd OG Sauravis than the Pendulumgraph

I think thats all i need to talk about. If you're wondering about smth that i forgot to address, feel free to comment your questions down & i'll try my best to answer them, Have a great day/night.

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ID: 157-186-105 (157186105 for copy & paste)