Notes & Combos
Shoutout TwoTone the GOAT!
The goal is to Curious -> Gryphon for Anti-Spell Fragrance on top of the usual suspects.
Endboard: Apo + Sleeper + Trigate + Gryphon + Anti-Spell Fragrance + Utility Wire (If you play it) + Ilia Silvia (If you open Azamina)
Full combo off of:
- Souls + Fix
- Saryuja line + draw into Souls/Fix/Master Plan/Agent + any name/etc.
Saryuja line off of Snash/Deception/etc.:
- Deception for Mu Rcielago -> Wanted -> Shuffle back from field -> Ilia Silvia + Diabelstar
- OSS for Snash -> Poplar -> Field Spell scale Diabellstar (SE) -> Oak -> Flamberge -> 4 Mat Saryuja + make Goblin under it
- If you find any SPYRAL engine you can commit into your full SPYRAL combo (also you have a negate)
Souls + Fix chainblocks MP into full combo with Souls -> Linkuriboh -> Goblin, MP adds SUPER AGENT + FS for Sleeper, extra NS Agent, pitch assualt for qf -> exactly 3 spells in GY for Selene
Utility Wire is a very nice extra add off of QF, also beats stuff like Droplets/Spoly chained to ASF, and helps in simplified gamestates. Drawing it IS a brick though, so feel free to cut this. For more consistency consider adding another OSS, Where Arf Thou, or Small world; or consider cutting some Arf for more OSS or non-engine like Talents.
ID: 609-817-207
Will update comments with link to YT video when I record it (sometime this week).