Snake-Eye Fiendsmith

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 19th, 2025
cp-ur 1380 + cp-sr 270
43 cards

Notes & Combos

My card ratios here are a bit unusual. In general, running a lot of cards at two copies is not ideal —three copies usually perform better— but it worked out. I had a lot of fun with this deck.

Some explanations:

TTT true, TTT fake, and DRNM are included to counter some tough going-first boards. We could argue that a third Veiler, Droll, or even a Fuwalos might be better, and I can see why. In general, board breakers are in a weird spot in the current meta and aren't as effective right now. However, I can also argue that Desirae helps counter board breakers because if my opponent tries to interact with me while going first, I have a fake TTT in my hand as a backup and can easily setup imperm.

I chose Desirae + Doom Dragon instead of Caesar paired with either Desirae or Doom Dragon because Caesar is often just a win-more card on certain boards. Doom Dragon applies pressure when going second and is an incredible extender. Meanwhile, Desirae can disrupt some spell and trap cards and is also a solid option against Tenpai.

I included two Deceptions because the Azamina engine is vulnerable to common hand traps like Ash Blossom and more niche options like Retaliating "C".

Overall, it's a very fun deck to play with.

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