Notes & Combos
Its a blind second deck which makes every game almost a puzzle, a few important things you probably will notice as you play + some key thoughts:
- You lean a lot heavier on board breakers, unfortunately sky striker can't really set up a strong endboard turn one, and trading one for one handtraps doesn't feel great either, hence 3 talents, 3 thrust, 3 slayer and super poly.
- You don't really want to draw Raye or Rose. I didnt really use the OTK line too much because going blind 2nd means your opponent sets up a good bit on you.
- Packbit over Malong because the synchro decks that use packbit (White Woods Mainly), have a harder time removing monsters set in their backrow. He also offers you a discard for more spells in the graveyard
The idea behind the deck is to offer up some removal via slayer/ super poly, then slowly use those cards to develop advantage. Once your opponent interacts you kind of start snowballing to a point where you can draw a majority of your deck.
Dharc is in the deck to clear the EMZ off most super poly uses. Can usually climb to unicorn who offers more removal but worst case scenario can spin himself back (never had to do this).
Some Replays should be on my profile 466-554-426